Question: Was the company's Modern Slavery Act statement explicitly approved by the board of directors (or equivalent management body)?
Approval not explicit in statement
MSA Statement Approval
Volkswagen AG
Unverified - Added by Community
updated 19 days ago by Fariza

The statement is signed by two members of the board, but doesn't explicitly state they have full Board approval of the statement itself. However the statement did mention a separate “Declaration by the Volkswagen Group on Social Rights, Industrial Relations and Business and Human Rights”, which was signed by the Group Executive Board in 2020 (Page 2). The Board also seems to receive all reporting directly (Page 7). While this all suggests the Volkswagen group is very conscious of their actions against modern slavery, there was still no clear indication that the statement had fully approval of the Board.

Fariza.....2024-04-12 17:17:12 UTC