"Amnesty Project" Metric "CMR company Visits" has no linked source

+*when created
Wednesday, April 27, 2016 10:04 AM UTC

This one wasn't a software bug but what I'll call (for lack of a better term) a "data need" -- and one that any contributor can help address when it comes up.


It's working now, but I'll explain in some detail, because you or someone else might run across it in the future, and this may help you fix it.


First off, not all metrics will have sources prepopulated – in many cases we don't know what the source is, or it doesn't exist. But, obviously, you were right that this one should.


The way we prepopulate sources is through "report types". In this case, the report type in question is "Conflict Mineral Report". To prepopulate the source we need two things:


1. The metric must be associated with the report type, and

2. The source must be associated with both the report type and the company. (Eventually the "year" will be more deeply involved in this equation, too).


As it turns out, the source was identified as a Conflict Mineral Report (see Source-000004875), but no report type was defined for the metric. But, as I can see in the card's history, Richard fixed that about 5 hours ago:



Hope that helps!

--Ethan McCutchen.....2016-04-27 19:00:10 UTC