Question: Does the company mention that it provides any type of support to suppliers and/or supply chain workers as the result of the COVID-19 pandemic?
Walk Free
MSA COVID-19 Response
Unverified - Added by Steward
updated over 2 years ago by Singh Anjali

pg. 6

"C O V I D - 1 9 A N D O U R S U PPLY C H AI N

COVID-19 has affected our supply chains in unprecedented and challenging ways. We have identified the potential for additional human rights-related risks in our supply chain due to the impacts of the pandemic and have taken the following approach to managing these risks:

Engaging and collaborating with our suppliers partners: We engage on an ongoing basis to understand the pandemic’s effects on both our supplier partners and their workers and prioritize our efforts manage identified risks.

Following FLA guidance and industry best practice for responsible purchasing and safeguarding worker well-being: We support our supplier partners with guidance and resources, and our Responsible Supply Chain team monitors the health, safety and wellbeing needs of supply chain workers.

Upholding our commitments to our supplier partners: The success of lululemon is built on strong partnerships within our supply chain, and we uphold our commitments to responsible purchasing by paying in full for orders, maintaining terms of agreements, and taking responsibility for cancelled orders.

Working collaboratively to support industry-wide approaches: We have endorsed the ILO's Call to Action to support garment industry manufacturers and protect workers’ income, health, and employment during the pandemic."

Singh Anjali.....2021-12-07 05:46:11 UTC