Question: Does the downstream company review Smelters or Refiners' (SoRs) due diligence practices?
Daimler AG
Unverified - Added by Steward
"Starting point of the Supply Chain Walks is the Tier 1 supplier and then the path goes along the critical points in the supply chain, if necessary to the mine. These onsite checks are carried out by interdisciplinary teams. They consist of representatives of the 700 quality engineers and experts in sustainability, human rights and compliance. Furthermore, we have had audited the cobalt supply chain of a battery cell supplier. The external auditor RCS Global investigated at all stages of the supply chain according to the OECD standards. The audit included aspects such as child labour, health and safety in the workplace, cobalt material checks and the existence and quality of current existing supplier due diligence systems. For future supply chains, we have entered into a further partnership with RCS Global. An overview of the smelters and refiners in our current supply chains can be found here."