Question: Is the company's responsible minerals policy aligned with recommendations specific to their supply chain location (Downstream Companies)?
Implements a smelter/refiner identification system,
Supports digital information sharing systems on suppliers (including smelters/refiners)
Unverified - Added by Steward
The company uses CMRTs to engage with suppliers and identify SoRs "Toyota identified, through an established process, the Toyota entities that manufactured products delivered to markets related to Toyota’s automotive operations and marine operations. Then, we requested, directly or through such entities, the direct suppliers from which such entities procured any parts, components or accessories to provide relevant information through the RCOI survey. We used the Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (“CMRT”), published by the Responsible Minerals Initiative (“RMI”), to obtain information from these suppliers and to determine whether the products that Toyota manufactures or that it contracts with others for manufacture contained any 3TG necessary to the functionality or production of these products. We contacted suppliers who had not submitted a CMRT and collected CMRTs from thousands of suppliers in total." The company also supports digital information sharing through AIAG and RMI "Through AIAG, we supported and contributed to RMI’s activities (member ID of the RMI: TOYO). Toyota Motor North America, Inc. (“TMNA”), a U.S subsidiary of Toyota, contacted 29 smelters/refiners between January and December, 2018 as Leader of AIAG’s Smelter Engagement Team, and contacted an additional 34 smelters/refiners as Team-Lead of the Global Smelter Engagement Teams Working Group of the RMI, performing smelters’ survey and encouraging them to participate in RMAP and to conduct re-audits. TMNA visited 2 smelters for pre-audit and review, and performed lead or support roles. TMNA also joined the European Smelter Engagement Team and identified and engaged more smelters/refiners. We have been an active member of the Japan Conflict Free Sourcing Working Group, which was established in Japan with other companies from the automotive industry and the electronics industry to collaborate with the RMI."