Question: Does the statement describe consulting with any entities that it owns or controls?
Not Applicable
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"The Sustainability and Social Impact teams routinely review the purpose, scope, and value of sustainability proposals and how they align with external factors, overall commitments, and our Company values. The Head of Global Operations and Sustainability and the Head of People & Culture advocate for sustainability and social impact, select projects to prioritise, and sponsor, finance and drive strategy and execution, in collaboration with other business leaders."

Jasmin Kreutzer.....2024-03-05 18:25:11 UTC

[comment above regarding p.19 is not relevant, as it refers to Impact Report rather than Zero-Tolerance Statement]

Jasmin Kreutzer.....2024-03-05 19:30:30 UTC

A quick research reveals that Logitech does have a certain number of subsidiaries, although the statement doesn't report any of them. In this case, I selected "non applicable" because it is not clear whether the subsidiaries fall within the scope of the law.

Aureliane.....2024-03-28 14:50:07 UTC