Question: Does the company mention that it provides any type of support to suppliers and/or supply chain workers as the result of the COVID-19 pandemic?
Walk Free
MSA COVID-19 Response
Ted Baker
Unverified - Added by Steward
updated over 1 year ago by Manali Rana

'Impact of Covid-19 on our due diligence

Due to the global pandemic, our normal due diligence has been interrupted, either due to national lockdowns, business closures, travel or visitor restrictions.'


'We have been making efforts to ensure that we understand the changing landscape in our sourcing locations by conducting desktop research and consulting with other brands and worker rights experts.' 'Whilst we have seen these disruptions impact our annual ethical audit programme, we

still have 100% of our factories with a third-party ethical audit in the past 2 years'


' In addition to this we have seen other disruptions with sites organising their usual documentation or trainings, for example regular first aid training has been paused by many organisations and there are delays with documentation from government

bodies around inspections'


'To understand these disruptions and mitigate any risks as a result of these delays we

have been discussing situations on the ground in our factories on a case by case basis.'


'For instance; we have given factories in certain locations a grace period between audits to allow time to safely perform an audit, so no workers or auditors are at risk.' P.8

Julia Spicer.....2022-12-11 05:27:01 UTC

pg. 8

"Impact of COVID-19 on our due diligence

Due to the high risks associated with Bangladesh, we wanted to ensure we were putting in clear measures to ensure the protection of workers. In December 2021 Ted became a signatory of the Accord of Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh which was set up following the tragic Rana Plaza building collapse. Its aim is to ensure a safe working environment for workers within the garment industry through factory inspections, remediation and training."

Manali Rana.....2023-01-03 12:50:27 UTC