Question: Does the statement describe consulting with any entities that it owns or controls?
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Nowhere in the statement does Uber mention specific consultation with the various entities that are part of the Uber group. Aranzaz√∫ Jorquiera[√∫_Jorquiera].....2022-11-07 21:00:13 UTC

Lucia Ixtacuy.....2022-12-05 19:54:58 UTC

The company mentions its owned subsidiaries but there is no mention of consultation with them.

pg. 2

“All entities composing Uber Mobility UK are UK-domiciled companies that operate exclusively in the UK. All are indirectly wholly owned subsidiaries of Uber Technologies, Inc., the parent entity of the Uber group, which is listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol UBER.”

Manali Rana.....2023-03-22 06:52:22 UTC