Question: What is the total number of employees that were entitled to parental leave?
Global Reporting Initiative
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p. 457 "In 2019, 100% of our employees in Spain (48,687 people) were

entitled to parental leave (36,278 women and 12,409 men).

2,353 people enjoyed maternity and paternity leave (1,902 women

and 451 men), practically all of them returning to their jobs:

2,319 (1,892 women and 427 men). Therefore, the return to work

rate is 98.6% (99.5% in the case of women and 94.7% in the

case of men).

The number of people working for the Group 12 months after

having come back from maternity/paternity leaves is 2,034 (1,640

women and 394 men), the retention rate amounting to 93.9%

(93.2% for women and 97.0% for men)"

Lucia Ixtacuy.....2022-03-09 11:23:00 UTC