
P. 2
Our employees and contingent workers have access to an Integrity Hotline to report potentially unethical or inappropriate business practices anonymously. This includes reports that can be made against Deutsche Bank, our clients, our suppliers and their respective employees or any other entities or individuals doing business with Deutsche Bank. We operate an anti-retaliation policy regarding whistleblowers. In 2017 we updated our Whistleblowing Policy with a specific wording on modern slavery and human trafficking. Furthermore, in the UK we updated the Whistleblowing section in the Employee Handbook and the Guidance for Contingent Workers to make individuals aware of the importance of reporting concerns or suspicions regarding possible human rights violations.
[[Kaitlin Lyall]].....2019-10-19 17:49:38 UTC

Our employees and contingent workers have access
to an Integrity Hotline to report potentially
unethical or inappropriate business practices anony
mously. 2
[[Lucia Ixtacuy]].....2021-04-16 11:02:27 UTC

We operate an anti-retaliation
policy regarding whistleblowers. 2
[[Lucia Ixtacuy]].....2021-04-16 11:02:45 UTC