
' ‘risk assess’ our supply chain and have identified building contractors, cleaning companies and coffee suppliers as our highest risk areas - our primary suppliers for these services and products have been contacted specifically to understand their approach and steps taken to ensuring slavery and human trafficking is not occurring in their operations;
 ensure, where practicable, optimum control of the work environment in our business; expect all those who have, or seek to have, a commercial relationship with us to familiarise themselves with the Act and our zero tolerance approach and to act consistently with this;
 ask any new suppliers to confirm that they will not allow slavery or human trafficking in their business or supply chains and that they have implemented policies and procedures to that effect;
 expect, as a minimum, each entity in our supply chains to adopt “one-up” due diligence on the next link in the chain;
 seek to include in our arrangements with suppliers a right to suspend or terminate our arrangements with them where we have reasonable grounds to suspect that there has been a breach of the Act;
 undertake an annual internal audit to ensure all our related processes are in place and are being adhered to; and
 have in place a whistleblowing policy to encourage members of staff to report concerns about wrongdoing and which offers suitable protection for whistleblowers.'
[[Molly Tredinnick]].....2019-03-26 02:49:36 UTC