Walk Free+MSA Impact on Company Behaviour+VUR Village Trading No 1 Limited+2018+Discussion


- Created a successful data capture process (as part of GDPR) to allow us to secure data and provide it to the authorities in potential cases of Modern Slavery.

- Provided employees with a central contact email to report any concerns about Modern Slavery within the business. This central contact email is monitored by General Counsel to ensure reporting is sufficient for the GLAA.

- Implemented online training for all employees to allow them to understand that Modern Slavery is a risk within hospitality

- Our General Counsel is an active participant in the round table discussions with the GLAA working to develop and implement a protocol for the hospitality industry as a whole."

Bernadette.....2019-08-11 23:39:38 UTC

The statement describes the steps it has taken and the ones it will take in the upcoming year. (p.3-4)

Laureen van Breen.....2019-08-21 10:21:42 UTC