Walk Free+Preventive Measures (mHRDD pilot)+KiK Textilien und Non-Food GmbH+2023+Discussion

preventive measures (p. 18, 23, 27) do not specifically adress risks related to modern slavery


(where corrective measures were not successful (bei mittelbaren Zulieferern) other measures were implemented (could be corrective and preventive simultaneously): KiK joined the Dindigul Initiative and uses technology to indenfy modern slavery across the supply chain (p. 42))

Ann-Sophie Hartmann.....2024-11-29 19:51:14 UTC

direct suppliers: training + audits (p. 23-24)

indirect suppliers: audits (p. 27: "Durchführung von risikobasierten Kontrollmaßnahmen")

Ann-Sophie Hartmann.....2024-12-04 14:25:23 UTC

both training and audits are listed under preventive measures in response to all identified risks (not only those related to modern slavery)

Ann-Sophie Hartmann.....2024-12-04 14:27:17 UTC

P. 8: it is planned to implement blockchain technology to address the issue of forced labor in China "Durch die Hinzunahme innovativer Technologien, wie Blockchain, wird geplant, dem Thema Zwangsarbeit in China kurzfristig begegnen zu können."

Karla Prigge.....2025-02-04 13:23:38 UTC

Training for employees: p. 18 "Durchführung von Schulungen in relevanten Geschäftsbereichen /

Durchführung risikobasierter Kontrollmaßnahmen"

Karla Prigge.....2025-02-04 13:25:55 UTC