Question: Does the company’s statement detail one or more specific, organisational policies or actions to combat slavery in their direct (tier 1) and/or in-direct (beyond tier 1) supply chain?
Suppliers comply with laws and company’s policies (direct / tier 1),
Prohibit use of forced labour (direct / tier 1),
Code of conduct or supplier code includes clauses on slavery and human trafficking (direct / tier 1),
Prohibit use of child labour (direct / tier 1),
Suppliers respect labour rights (wages / freedom of association etc) (direct / tier 1)
Walk Free
MSA policy (revised)
Verified by Steward check_circle

Polestar's Code of Conduct outline how they do not engage in forced labour of child labour and that employees with have the right to join unions and proper management when it comes to terms of employment, wages, benefits, working hours as well as health and safety (Page 5).

Fariza.....2024-05-15 06:37:59 UTC

p. 5: The requirements and guiding principles for our business partners, with regard to working conditions, human rights, business integrity and the environment, are expressed and defined in our Code of Conduct for Business Partners. This Code includes principles on preventing child labour, preventing forced labour and modern slavery, non-discrimination and equal opportunities, the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining, proper management when it comes to terms of employment, wages, benefits, working hours as well as health and safety

Aureliane.....2024-05-27 14:10:38 UTC