2019 | Gap inc. | MSA policy (revised)
Does the company’s statement detail one or more specific, organisational policies or actions to combat slavery in their direct (tier 1) and/or in-direct (beyond tier 1) supply chain?
updated over 3 years ago by Tom Tweddle

"In signing Gap Inc.’s VCA, which incorporates our COVC, Gap Inc. suppliers agree to comply with the following:“All applicable laws, rules and regulations ... these laws include, but are not limited to, laws relating to the employment conditions of their respective employees such as: (1) wage and hour, labor, child labor, and forced labor requirements; (2) health and safety; (3) immigration; (4) discrimination; (5) labor or workers’ rights in general; and (6) environmental laws and regulations.”"

Tom Tweddle.....2020-10-19 15:40:57 UTC

All Boxes Except that of suppliers producing their own statements for both tier 1 and beyond such be chosen however WikiRate doesn't allow me to do this.

Tom Tweddle.....2020-10-19 15:43:06 UTC

All Boxes Except that of suppliers producing their own statements for both tier 1 and beyond such be chosen however WikiRate doesn't allow me to do this.

Tom Tweddle.....2020-10-19 15:43:09 UTC