Question: Does the company’s statement detail policies to combat slavery in their supply chain?
In Development
Walk Free
Sky plc
Unverified - Added by Community
updated over 7 years ago by Kan Luo

So far, the company didn't specifically mention regarding the follow 5 points as followed:

1.requiring all suppliers and contractors to comply with local laws, international law, and company’s policies,

2.prohibiting contractors or suppliers from using forced labour, involuntary labour, debt bondage or human trafficking,

3.can terminate contract based on violation of supplier code, or violation of modern slavery policies,

4. all contracts to include clauses on forced labour or supply chains, or

5.requiring all suppliers to produce their own statement on modern slavery and forced labour

However, according to their statement

"Sky has a team of in-house experts that carry out due diligence on suppliers at the pre-qualification stage. This includes a range of issues, including bribery and corruption. This year we have also introduced a prequalification questionnaire that specifically addresses the risks of slavery and human trafficking and requests information about the due diligence mechanisms in place...We continue to embed clauses within our supplier contracts to include an explicit reference prohibiting forced and child labour. We include terms to ensure that the supplier signs up to and agrees with our policies in all legal contracts. We have adopted a new precedent agreement that we use for our approved suppliers of products and services. This includes updates to strengthen the supplier’s obligation to agree with our policies; the rights of inspection and audit rights..."

it may indicate that their policies are in development

--Kan Luo.....2016-12-07 19:54:00 UTC