
pg. 9 “They reviewed the recruitment agencies we work with in the region, strengthened contractual agreements to incorporate elements on forced labor prevention where relevant, and terminated the partnership with one supplier, where engagement did not lead to necessary improvement in their recruitment practices.” pg. 14 “When a new community joins the program, our NGO partners conduct a thorough participatory needs assessment on focus areas including labor risks such as forced and child labor. Based on this assessment and with support from our partners, community members develop a Community Action Plan, which provides a detailed roadmap for community activation. Based on this plan, and as part of the program’s holistic approach, our partners then implement a range of activities that address the issues identified.” Manali Rana[https://wikirate.org/Manali_Rana].....2022-05-27 07:44:44 UTC
[[Lucia Ixtacuy]].....2022-06-24 12:34:12 UTC