We found potential salient issues present here, basedaround discrimination of contract workers, no recording of contract worker hours, lack of safety gear distribution and uptake as well as poorHR documentation such as employment contracts and payment records. Some of the “step by step” improvements now in place, includenew shaded garden areas for breaks and meal times. Safer working areas with more safety gear distribution to both permanent andcontract workers. New HR systems including employment contracts and payments direct to bank accounts. H&S meetings and training.Worker grievance committee. Contract workers hours now recorded. This further increases the ethical transparency of our Indianproduction.3
Discuss with factory management and get worker input. Conduct audit toestablish any gaps in Base Code compliance, discuss gaps and work with supplier to resolve. We have not uncovered any Modern DaySlavery within our supply chain. However we remain vigilant and continue to implement small ethical “step by step” improvements tostrengthen the workers position.3