Question: Did the company identify any specific incidents related to modern slavery that require(d) remediation?
Walk Free
MSA incidents identified
Western Digital
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Page 3

"Despite having clear policies and practices, the recruitment fee issue is one that can be difficult to uncover due to the reluctance of some workers to disclose overpayments. So, we continue to engage in a dialogue with employees and suppliers while also working with third parties to audit ours and our suppliers’ practices. When we have found issues regarding recruitment fees, we have worked quickly to remediate them. In FY2023, through our partnership with the RBA, we were made aware of suppliers with recruitment fee issues during FY2023. We worked with the RBA to see that over USD $271,200 was reimbursed to approximately 642 employees within the supply chain. We continue to work closely with our suppliers and the RBA to perform audits to ensure suppliers are following appropriate recruiting practices and that any necessary reimbursements are promptly provided to impacted employees".

Claire Summerer.....2024-03-19 05:47:11 UTC

Not explicitly related to modern slavery

Aureliane.....2024-05-06 14:40:03 UTC