Question: Does the company’s statement describe a change in their policy that occurred as a direct result of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015?
Walk Free
IG Markets Ltd.
Unverified - Added by Community
updated over 2 years ago by Singh Anjali

pg. 1-2

"Our vendor management processes are kept under regular review. We have recently updated our vendor management policy and enhanced the process for onboarding vendors (including charitable organisations). These changes to the existing policy are being rolled out across IG globally. The revised policy and process enhancements include:

• a ‘request for information’ form which all Critical or Important Vendors (vendors performing procurement services assessed as high or moderate business impact to IG) and charitable organisations performing any procurement activities are required to complete before IG will contract with them;

• a code of conduct section within the form in which a Critical or Important Vendor needs to confirm that it complies with the requirements of applicable laws to prevent slavery, forced labour, human trafficking and child labour, including without limitation the Act and the International Labour Organisation Minimum Age Convention;

• enhanced due diligence carried out on all Critical and Important Vendors to determine as far as is practically possible that the vendor is a properly constituted legal entity, capable of meeting IG’s standards and providing regulatory compliant, reliable, sustainable and commercially viable services; and

• ongoing training on the revised policy to all employees engaging in procurement activities with vendors. This training will increase internal awareness on vendor management processes, including modern slavery considerations.

We do not support slavery, forced labour, human trafficking or child labour in any form and will not knowingly work with vendors who engage in these practices. Through our vendor management process, we endeavour to safeguard that slavery, forced labour, human trafficking and child labour do not take place within our supply chains. To help ensure that vendors are aware of our policies and expectations relating to modern slavery, this statement is available to our vendors through IG Group’s website and the websites of its qualifying subsidiaries where applicable."

Singh Anjali.....2021-10-07 06:30:32 UTC