Walk Free+MSA Identification of risks+DAVID JONES PTY LIMITED+2021+Discussion

Cotton sourced from Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in China.

Matthew Snibson.....2022-12-10 01:49:53 UTC

pg. 1

“In addition to the team members David Jones employs directly, many local suppliers provide additional labour services to David Jones. Some of these services, such as cleaning services in all store locations, may present higher modern slavery exposures. Risks often arise through the use of casual and transient migrant labour.”

Pg. 13

“Key sectors associated with the products we procure for retail and non-trade use such as food, electronics, garment and footwear sectors are recognised as high-risk sectors for modern slavery globally, including due to the widespread use of migrant labour and high levels of subcontracting. There are also risks associated with the transport and logistics sector, including in relation to the warehousing and shipping of merchandise and other products.”

“Key agricultural commodities have been widely documented to be of higher risk of potential modern slavery. These include mined minerals used in the third-party beauty products and electrical goods we sell, and the harvesting and cultivation of commodities such as cotton used in our fashion items. These commodity risks are often associated with the production of raw materials and so may occur deep in our extended supply chains.

David Jones is aware of the global focus on high risk regions for sourcing cotton. By example: For the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in China. Through our approved factory program (AFP) we can identify that no Private Label products are produced within this region.”

Manali Rana.....2023-01-25 13:29:21 UTC