2016 | Nikon | MSA Continuous engagement with suppliers
Does the company continuously engage with suppliers to ensure that they comply with the company’s policies and local laws?
updated over 7 years ago by gisellehkasim

As stated previously, where potentially high risk companies were identified, Nikon used a third party to conduct on-site audits of the procurement partners and requested rectification of areas where labor and ethics issues arose. Though Nikon did not conduct audits of some other ten companies, risks were identified and these companies were instructed to make improvements where Nikon found them unsatisfactory. Of these thirteen companies, Nikon "demanded" that they all submit action plans and implement them after Nikon's approval. Nikon reported that it is monitoring the implementation and according the the plans, things are progressing.

--gisellehkasim.....2016-11-06 21:57:24 UTC