Question: Does the company mention engaging directly in dialogue with suppliers’ workers at one or more levels of the supply chain (raw materials, textiles, manufacturing) as part of their due diligence?
Walk Free
Unverified - Added by Steward
updated over 2 years ago by Aileen Robinson

p.10 Company states they work with an organisation with a focus on worker voice, but they do not state specifically having dialogue with workers in their supply chain.

"We are engaged in two working groups through the work of the AGM PPP; one focuses on worker voice and the other on business accountability."

Company often mentions in statement that they engage with the facilities to improve working conditions, but, again, not with workers themselves.

Aileen Robinson.....2021-12-16 16:58:08 UTC

No information found beyond the comment above.

Sofia Gonzalez De Aguinaga.....2021-12-29 20:36:36 UTC