2021 | Bestseller AS | Employee dialogue (sector specific)
Does the company mention engaging directly in dialogue with suppliers’ workers at one or more levels of the supply chain (raw materials, textiles, manufacturing) as part of their due diligence?
updated about 1 year ago by Lucia Ixtacuy

No information found.

Manali Rana.....2023-01-11 11:08:54 UTC

P. 3 "The assessment was facilitated by an external expert consultancy company and draws on inputs from our existing supply chain programmes as well as inputs from 100+ internal and external stakeholders (including BESTSELLER and supply chain employees and managers, rights holders from local communities, subject matter experts, industry associations, trade unions, NGOs, national resource centres and academics).

Lucia Ixtacuy.....2023-02-02 13:52:50 UTC

p. 5 "Through the HERproject we work together withour suppliers, local partnersand not least the women in our supply chain to help create and implement workplace-based interventions on health, financial inclusion and gender equality"

Lucia Ixtacuy.....2023-02-02 13:56:07 UTC