2021 | Adidas UK | Employee dialogue (sector specific)
Does the company mention engaging directly in dialogue with suppliers’ workers at one or more levels of the supply chain (raw materials, textiles, manufacturing) as part of their due diligence?
updated over 1 year ago by Lucia Ixtacuy

p. 4

"2021 saw an expansion of our mobile-phone-based ‘DigitalTraining’ project, which was successfully rolled out in 43 manufacturing facilities across Cambodia, China, Indonesia, and Vietnam. The digital tool assesses workers’ awareness of their labour rights and options for access to remedies, with training topics including harassment and abuse, fire safety and use of grievance channels. Of the more than 62,000 workers who took part in 2021, workers averaged a score of 92 out of 100 in the post-test questions, demonstrating robust understanding and awareness."


" Supply chain workers also have access to an operational grievance channel at a factory level, a mobile application-based ‘Workers Voice’ platform. We have progressively improved and expanded the use of this grievance platform and in 2021 more than 600,000 workers employed in 123 manufacturing facilities across 18 countries had access to this system, reflecting a 99% coverage of strategic manufacturing partners.


Responses received through the ‘Workers Voice’ platform are carefully tracked by adidas, using KPIs and dashboard reviews, case satisfaction ratings and on-site worker interviews. This allows us to evaluate the efficacy of the grievance channels, see major cases in real time and undertake timely interventions, where necessary. It also helps us understand the main challenges and labour rights issues in a factory and track

how the factory management and their HR teams resolve cases and communicate their findings. "

Lucia Ixtacuy.....2022-12-08 23:23:05 UTC