Question: Does the company disclose any information on extra due diligence or precautions they are taking when it comes to sourcing minerals from conflict affected areas?
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Unverified - Added by Community
updated over 1 year ago by Jocelyn Phung

- Existence of a due diligence process for conflict minerals

- "The advantageous position of Siemens AG as active member of the Responsible MineralInitiative (RMI) gives SGRE AU access to Reasonable Country of Origin Information (RCOI) onsmelter level. We purchase 3TG from conformant smelters when these minerals arenecessary for manufacturing of our products. In order to mitigate the risk of working withsuppliers whose smelters have not been audited by RMI so far, SGRE AU (through SiemensAG) actively engages within RMI’s Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (formerly ConflictFree Smelter Program"

Jocelyn Phung.....2022-11-21 21:01:44 UTC