out of a potential 1785 (17 Companies x 35 Metrics x 3 Years).
With the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development it is of high relevance to governments, companies and their stakeholders to track and assess the contributions of business to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Business Contributions to the SDGs – A Student Assessment, a project led by Wikirate and PRME, aims to aggregate and analyse corporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) data to better understand private sector contributions to the SDGs.
There are four main components to this exercise:
Create a Wikirate profile. Click the “join” button on wikirate.org. Create a username [name/student number/etc], add your email address and password, then click submit.
When you are signed into Wikirate, join your Research Group: Nottingham Trent SDG Summer School 2018 Research Group by clicking this link, and clicking on "Join Group."
Look through the following company OMV Petrom research for an example for good practices in conducting CSR data research according to these metrics:
Below are some frequently asked questions that might be useful for you if queries come up during your research.
What is a metric? Metrics measure an aspect of company performance in a given year and each metric value must have a source. Researching metric answers is vital to supporting our work and growing a knowledge base on corporate performance.
What do I do if the company I am researching doesn't provide the information I need? When you are trying to answer a Wikirate metric question but you cannot find the right information in a company’s report or website, answer the question with Unknown. This may be frustrating at first, but you should actually feel good about adding Unknown because you’re shining a light on a gap in that company’s reporting.
What do I do if I enter a wrong value or year? Click on the value, then click the edit icon next to the year. Change your value or year, and click Submit.
What do I do if I encounter a technical problem? Go to Technical support to report the bug.