The intensity or ratio of water consumption by a company (expressed in liters or cubic meters per m2, store, sales unit or other unit) is a fundamental indicator when evaluating its relative water consumption based on its size and to be able to compare it fairly with that of the rest of its competitors.
We will assign a ""YES"" to this question if :
The company declares to have reduced its water consumption ratio by at least 5% compared to the previous year or the base year.
This ratio can be expressed in m3 per m2 of commercial area, per shop, per product unit or any other denominator that allows to assess the intensity of its consumption regardless of its growth and expansion.
If there are no declarations in this respect, the possible reduction will be calculated on the basis of the data of the last 2 years (if included in the last report of the company).
The ratio will have to be calculated from the company's published water consumption and its total m2 of commercial space with the formula :
Intensity of water consumption = Total water consumption in L or m3 / Commercial surface in m2
The total commercial area in m2 shall be obtained from the reports published on the chain's website for the year under assessment. The company may not publish it, but may use an intensity indicator based on its surface area (e.g. CO2 emissions per m2 ), from which the total surface area of the chain can be calculated.
Failing that, we can resort to the data published by some specialised reference sources such as Alimarket, Inforetail, DataRetail, Statista, Nielsen, Kantar, IRI Infoscan, ...
This data must be homogeneous and comparable for the 2 years analysed, so the source of data on retail space must be the same. Thus, if we use Alimarket to know the total retail area of a chain in a given year, we must use the same source to compare it with the previous year.
This information can be found in any of the following reports published on the companies' websites:
- Annual Report
- Corporate Social Responsibility Report
- Sustainability Report
- Environmental Report
- Carbon Footprint Report
- Statement of Non-Financial Information (NFI)