
What can companies do?

First and foremost, companies need to respect all relevant local and national laws. Any company introducing measures to promote equality needs to be aware of the diversities of language, culture and family circumstance that may exist in the workforce. Managers and supervisory staff, in particular, should seek to develop an understanding of the different types of discrimination and how it can affect the workforce. For example, women constitute a growing proportion of the world's workforce, but consistently earn less than their male counterparts. Employees with disabilities may have particular needs that should be met, where reasonable, in order to ensure that they have the same opportunities (e.g. for training and advancement) as their peers.

Companies can take specific actions to address discrimination and eliminate it within the workplace. Some examples are:

In the workplace

  • Institute company policies and procedures which make qualifications, skill and experience the basis for the recruitment, placement, training and advancement of staff at all levels
  • Assign responsibility for equal employment issues at a high level, issue clear company-wide policies and procedures to guide equal employment practices, and link advancement to desired performance in this area
  • Work on a case by case basis to evaluate whether a distinction is an inherent requirement of a job, and avoid application of job requirements that would systematically disadvantage certain groups
  • Keep up-to-date records on recruitment, training and promotion that provide a transparent view of opportunities for employees and their progression within the organization
  • Conduct unconscious bias training
  • Where discrimination is identified, develop grievance procedures to address complaints, handle appeals and provide recourse for employees
  • Be aware of formal structures and informal cultural issues that can prevent employees from raising concerns and grievances
  • Provide staff training on non-discrimination policies and practices, including disability awareness. Reasonably adjust the physical environment to ensure health and safety for employees, customers and other visitors with disabilities.
  • Establish programs to promote access to skills development training and to particular occupations

In the community of operation

  • Encourage and support efforts to build a climate of tolerance and equal access to opportunities for occupational development such as adult education programs and health and childcare services
  • In foreign operations, companies may need to accommodate cultural traditions and work with representatives of workers and governmental authorities to ensure equal access to employment by women and minorities


(Source: Principle 6)