2018 | Societe Miniere de Bisunzu | Risks Listed - Public or private security forces (6.A.3)
Does the company include public or private security forces as a risk in its responsible minerals sourcing policy?
"We recognize that the role of public or private security forces in mine sites and / or surrounding areas and / or along transport routes should be solely to enforce the law, to protect people and their property (including human rights), to maintain the safety of the facilities and the protection of the mine site as well as the evacuation (transport) routes from extraction to export in order to avoid any interference or illegal trade. When we or any other company / organization in our supply chain contracts public or private security forces, we will engage and demand that these security forces be engaged in accordance with the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights. In particular, we will support measures to adopt screening policies to ensure that individuals or units of security forces known to be responsible for gross human rights violations are not recruited."