I'm also seeing this for my account here: https://wikirate.org/Research_Page?rp%5Bcompany%5D=Imperial+Oil&rp%5Bmetric%5D=Global+Reporting+Initiative%2BTotal+energy+consumption%2C+GRI+302-1-e+%28formerly+G4-EN3-e%29&rp%5Bpinned%5D%5B%5D=company&rp%5Bproject%5D=Climate_Change_Renewable_Energy_Open_Data_Day_2020&rp%5Byear%5D=2017
Is it because I updated the metric name?
Yes, it appears that's why. The last updater can't double check the answer, and that update is registering you as the last updater.
I have an idea about how to fix it, but it will require updating the lookup table, so we may want to wait a bit to deploy. I know it's an annoying workaround, but you guys should each be able to edit the answers where the other is blocked...