Does the company have a mechanism to recycle products? The answer to this question may be found in the company's Business Responsibility Report

Note: The Business Responsibility Report may be found within the company's Annual Report and/or Sustainability Report.  

If the company reports directly to the NVG principles, the answer can be found under Principle 2 or Principle 2.5

If the company does not report directly to the NVG principles, search in the company's reporting to find any reference to a mechanism to recycle products. When looking for the answer in the source, key words to search for include:

  • Principle 2
  • Recycle
  • Recycling
  • Product

If the company does have a mechanism in place to recycle products, select the answer Yes and cite the report where you found this information as a source. 

If the company does not have a mechanism in place to recycle products, select the answer No and cite the relevant report as a source.

The company may report in fiscal years - in this case, please use the latest year which is cited. 

  • A report for 2016/17 should be used for adding data for the year 2017