Minerals Sourcing+Public Due Diligence Reporting (Step 5.X)+Aludium+2018+Discussion

The Supplier Standard mentions: "Our Suppliers shall conduct their business with ethics and integrity. This includes: - Respecting local, national and international laws, including applicable norms, laws, rules and regulations such as those related to the environment, work relationships, human rights, health and safety, and antitrust. - Conducting business in compliance with any applicable anti-corruption conventions, laws and regulations. - Gathering competitive information by legal means and not sharing confidential information belonging to others without written permission. - Acting ethically and responsibly in the conducting of business including, but not limited to, compliance with anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws, rules and regulations. - Providing transparency into the supply chain, form original source to ALUDIUM, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.æ But this does not seem to indicate Aludium will under take any activties to make sure of that, which is confirmed by the statement: "We expect and trust that our Suppliers will honour the principles and practices that form ALUDIUM’s Supplier Standards." Furthermore their Sustainability report only addresses monitoring and assessment activities with regards to their own operations and sites.