A metric is a tool to measure company performance and to compare companies by asking the same questions across several years. Dive deeper with the Metrics Guide.
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Walk Free
Does the company disclose in its modern slavery statement that it has a modern slavery policy covering any social media platforms it owns or distributes?
Walk Free
Does the company disclose any information that goes beyond the minimum requirements of the modern slavery legislation that it is reporting to (UK or Australian)?
What is the companies' disclosure rate on the 4 metrics formulated based on the statutory guidance accompanying the Australian Modern Slavery Act?
Global Reporting Initiative
Does the company identify operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor?
Walk Free
Walk Free
Is the company considered to be part of the financial services sector?
Walk Free
Is the company considered to be part of the hospitality sector?
Walk Free
Is the company considered to be part of the garment sector?
Does the brand have a policy that addresses subcontracting in the supply chain?
Does the company have a publicly available Child Labour Policy?
Laureen van Breen
What is the amount of scope 1 GHG emissions relative to the number of employees?
Is the company on the World Benchmarking Alliance SDG2000 list?
What percentage of management / leadership positions are filled by women?
Walk Free
Has the company's Australian Modern Slavery Act statement been assessed against the Beyond Compliance project metrics?
Walk Free
Has the company's UK Modern Slavery Act statement been assessed against the Beyond Compliance project metrics?
Research Group Eticonsum
Luis Leyton
UNFCCC secretariat (UN Climate Change)
Is the company a signatory of the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action?