Question: In which asset classes does the company incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria into their investment decisions?
Unverified - Added by Steward
updated over 5 years ago by Lucia Ixtacuy

"Our investment decisions are based on two practical guiding principles: Firstly, sustainable business practices are critical to the creation of long-term stakeholder value in an increasingly resource-constrained world. Sustainability factors represent risks as well as opportunities for companies in an increasingly competitive business environment. We therefore actively integrate these factors in all investment processes of the investment strategies managed by RobecoSAM and most of the listed equity and fixed income strategies managed by Robeco Institutional Asset Management (RIAM). Our proprietary corporate sustainability assessment, covering 3900 firms (2016) with 600-1000 data points each is the backbone of our approach to sustainablity investing. The criteria of the assessment are whenever possible aligned with international standards or principles:

Lucia Ixtacuy.....2018-08-17 13:46:14 UTC

Investor Transparency Research Group+ESG Incorporation into Investment Decisions+RobecoSAM+2018


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