PFCs are a group of chemicals that are known for their water and oil repellent properties and have been identified as persistent, bio-accumulative and toxic. The process of eliminating PFCs involves the identification of suitable substitutes for some or all of the functions and attributes of PFC.
A credible programme of elimination needs to include the whole group of PFCs as well as the entire product range of the company concerned, leading to the elimination of this group of chemicals. Unfortunately, the Greenwashers Nike and Li-Ning do not commit to the elimination of all PFCs with a clear deadline, in all their products and allow the substitution of PFCs that are now subject to regulations, with other PFCs that are not yet regulated, but may be equally hazardous.
Responsible Detox brands have committed to phase out (and some have already eliminated from their global supply-chains) any use and discharge of the hazardous chemical group perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs).
PFCs are a group of chemicals that are known for their water and oil repellent properties and have been identified as persistent, bio-accumulative and toxic. The process of eliminating PFCs involves the identification of suitable substitutes for some or all of the functions and attributes of PFCs. Some Detox Leaders have already eliminated the use of PFCs in their products through an elimination programme that includes progressively substituting them with safer alternatives.
A credible programme of elimination needs to include the whole group of PFCs as well as the entire product range of the company concerned, leading to the elimination of this group of chemicals. Unfortunately, the Detox Greenwashers do not commit to the elimination of all PFCs with a clear deadline, in all their products and allow the substitution of PFCs that are now subject to regulations, with other PFCs that are not yet regulated, but may be equally hazardous.