This metric indicates which companies are taking part in the GSC Half-Billion Dollars Challenge and have decided to take an active role in the advancement of the different SDGs. The Global Sourcing Council has initiated this challenge in support of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The SDGs are estimated to cost US$3 trillion per year to achieve, and much of this will need to come from resources from the private sector. Long-term investments are needed in sustainable energy, infrastructure, transport, and information and communications technologies, among other sectors. Showcasing company leadership to support and promote the SDGs sets an example for businesses worldwide.

The aim of this challenge is as such to compile tools, resources, case studies, and examples of business leadership on each of the 17 SDGs. It will thus serve as a roadmap for companies and investors wondering how their work is aligned with the SDGs, how they can contribute in a meaningful way, and how to measure their impacts.