About the data

This metric covers Sustainable Development Goal 9 of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Goal 9 aims to build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation. Many developing countries lack widespread basic infrastructure – roads, sanitation, water, electrical power, and phone, internet, and other information and communication technologies (ICTs). This creates a major barrier to doing business, inhibits innovation and entrepreneurship, and limits access to health care and education. Improvement in transport, irrigation, energy and information and communication technology is crucial to achieving sustainable development and empowering communities in many countries.

Industry: Why it Matters

Go to the Half-Billion Dollars Challenge page of the Global Sourcing Council website. Using the dynamic GSC Half-Billion Challenge Progress Barometer you can view a list of companies that have taken the pledge.

  • Click on the tab “All Pledges” to see the total financial capacity that has been pledged to the SDGs in the Half-Billion Dollars Challenge.

  • Click on the tab “By SDG” to view the breakdown of financial capacity that has been pledged to each SDG.

  • Click on the tab ‘By Organization’ to view the list of organizations that have taken the pledge.

  • Select the company you are to research from the list. Then, using the drop-down arrow you can determine how much the company in question has pledged to advancing SDG 9.

For further research the Global Sourcing Council suggests reviewing the following additional resources:

  • Global Sourcing Council

  • Corporate Social Responsibility Report

  • Annual Report

  • CSO Statements or Reports

  • Investigative Reports, Surveys, Articles, etc.

  • SDG Indicators