Global Reporting Initiative+Male employees, GRI 102-8-a (formerly G4-10-a)+Tongaat Hulett+2016+Discussion

Page 40 of the 2016 Integrated Annual Report first sentence on bottom right hand side of page below graph "Women constitute 32,1 percent of the workforce across South African operations."

Page 34 of the 2016 Integrated Annual Report Employee Base table (Column Total; Row South Africa): 5348

Therefore 5348 * 32.1% = 1717 female employees (rounded up) for the South African operation.

Therefore 5348 - 1717 = 3631 male employees for the South African operation.

Shreshini Singh.....2017-02-12 13:37:05 UTC

Although these figures are calculated, they can be reported as the answer above.

Virosha Singh.....2017-02-17 12:37:44 UTC