Question: What percentage of new suppliers were screened using human rights criteria?
Global Reporting Initiative
Compass Group

supplier code of conduct page4

evaluate risks and conduct appropriate due diligence, risk assessment and, where required, audit your own suppliers, subcontractors and partners with specific regard to business ethics and integrity risks, including human rights and labour rights

Ning Liu.....2024-03-10 15:59:05 UTC

but not sure about the percentage

Ning Liu.....2024-03-12 21:54:40 UTC

They are working with suppliers to find new ways to produce more food with less water, land, waste and greenhouse gas emissions; also continue to be impressed by supplier ingenuity, from hydronic vertical basil cultivation in Ireland, to regenerative agriculture partnerships in France.

Huiyuan Wu.....2024-03-13 09:15:47 UTC