2017 | NTPC Limited | Fuel consumption from non-renewable sources, GRI 302-1-a (formerly G4-EN3-a)
What is the total amount of fuel consumption from non-renewable sources (in gigajoules) that the organization is responsible for?
updated almost 5 years ago by Chen Fei Wong

company produces energy from renewable sources to sell, pg 58-60

Malhar Agrawal.....2018-12-22 12:53:08 UTC

p. 103-4



Direct Energy Consumed:


Coal: 2395714 TJ


Natural Gas: 73585 TJ


Naptha: 135 TJ


LDO: 841 GJ


HFO: 2820 GJ


HSD: 3.67 GJ


Total (in GJ) = 2395714000+73585000+135000+841+2820+3.67=2469437664.67

Aileen Robinson.....2019-01-18 12:47:51 UTC

The company did not disclose the figure of fuel consumption from non-renewable resources.

Chen Fei Wong.....2019-06-01 07:13:01 UTC