2017 | Coal India Limited | Fuel consumption from non-renewable sources, GRI 302-1-a (formerly G4-EN3-a)
What is the total amount of fuel consumption from non-renewable sources (in gigajoules) that the organization is responsible for?
updated over 5 years ago by Anuja Singh

1. On page 53 of the report, Energy consumption is given as 4886.83 Million Kwh and diesel consumption is given as 597893.75 KL.

2. Converting the above values to Gigajoules we get,

Energy Consumption= 17592588 Gj

Diesel Consumption= 24033910.537 Gj

3. Adding the above value we get the amount of fuel consumption from non renewable sources= 41626498.537 Gj

Anuja Singh.....2019-01-03 11:14:10 UTC