Global Reporting Initiative+Environmental Non-Monetary Sanctions GRI 307-1 (formerly G4-EN29-a)+methodology

This metric is looking for the number of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws the company has received:

For WikiRate researchers:

Companies who align reports to GRI’s Sustainability Reporting Standards often include a GRI Content Index or Annex where GRI disclosures, with GRI codes, are listed.

  • Use the GRI Index, CTRL F, Command F or search button on source preview to search for this index and metrics within the report

  • Use G4 codes, G3 codes or keywords to quickly find values, keeping in mind that some companies report on the metric using different terms, e.g. G4-EN29 or EN29, non-compliance or non-monetary sanctions

  • Always check the metric question and methodology for the unit of measure or currency - researchers may need to carry out calculations or conversions before entering the final metric value

  • Add comments documenting exactly where within the source you found the information (page number) and include details of simple or complex calculations or conversions made to determine the metric value

  • If you are unable to locate a metric value in a source you can search for additional sources where the data is available and add a new source

Further guidance on how to research values for GRI-based metrics is available here, including detailed guidance on adding, editing and checking metric values.

Global Reporting Initiative compliance guidance for companies:

To calculate the total number of non-monetary sanctions - G4-EN29-a:

  • Identify administrative or judicial sanctions for failure to comply with environmental laws and regulations, including, as a minimum:

    • International declarations, conventions, and treaties, as well as national, sub-national, regional, and local regulations. Include non-compliances related to spills

    • Voluntary environmental agreements with regulating authorities that are considered binding and developed as a substitute for implementing new regulations. In certain jurisdictions, such agreements are referred to as ‘covenants’

    • Cases brought against the organization through the use of international dispute mechanisms or national dispute mechanisms supervised by government authorities

  • Calculate the total number of non-monetary sanctions