Question: What is the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (in tonnes of CO2 equivalent) that the organization is directly responsible for?
tonnes CO2 equivalent
Global Reporting Initiative
Unverified - Added by Community
updated over 2 years ago by joma

This figure was found on Sasol's 2020 climate change document, on the 3rd page under "Group scope 1 and 2 emissions for 2020".

Ross Nicholson.....2021-02-04 13:52:56 UTC

This information includes Scope 1 & 2 because Sasol have listed their scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions together on one chart.

Ross Nicholson.....2021-02-04 14:03:47 UTC

found on pg. 34

Lukas Pilz.....2021-03-22 13:19:15 UTC

slide 34 states 55.6 tonnes for direct CO2 emissions not CO2 equivalents. Using the other GHG information on slide 34, I get: ( 106 kt methane × 25 GWP ) + ( 1.49 kt nitrous oxide × 298 GWP ) + (55 605 kt CO2 × 1 GWP) = 58 699 kilotonnes CO2e

(direct methane + direct nitrous oxide + direct co2)

joma.....2021-08-26 16:47:39 UTC