Question: What is the average hours of training per female employee during the reporting period?
Global Reporting Initiative
ServiceNow Inc.
Unverified - Added by Community
updated over 1 year ago by Manali Rana

It does not report the training hours provided by gender.

pg. 74

"Training and education

GRI 404-1 Average hours of training per year per employee

• New Hire Orientation: 8 average hours (~5,500 new employees)

• Sales training (field-facing): 16 average hours (~4,900 employees)

• Technical training and enablement: 24 average hours (~7200 employees)

• Management and leadership training: 6,500 hours (completed companywide – senior director and above)

• Udemy online learning: 38,000 hours (completed companywide)"

Manali Rana.....2022-09-29 08:00:34 UTC