expand_less Combine metric answers with equations, for example:
\{{CDP+Scope 2 emissions}} / \{{M2}}
Calculated Answers
Formulas are used to calculate answers dynamically. Consider a hypothetical metric named “My Group+increment” with the following formula:
\{{My Group+employees}} + 1
For every answer of the +employees metric, this formula would create a new answer for the +increment metric that was one greater.  So if My Company’s 2015 answer for +employees was 100, then its 2015 answer for +increment would be 101.
Metrics as Variables
A metric can be represented within a formula as a metric’s full name within double curly brackets, eg:
\{{CDP+Scope 1 Emissions}}
Because these names can be rather long, the formula interface provides a shortcut: when using the “add metric” button to find metrics, a temporary short name is provided, eg M0, M1…. You can then use those short names in the formula, eg:
Upon saving, the name will be converted to the full name. Note that if you already know the full name, you can type it directly in the formula interface and skip the “add metric” step.
Specifying Years
If only the metric name is specified, then Formula metric answers for a given year will be based on variable metric answers of the same year. For example, if I create a formula metric called "revenue per employee",
\{{My Group+Total Revenue}} / \{{My Group+Number of Employees}}
then each company's answer for 2010 will be based on the 2010 answers for total revenue and number of employees.
However it is also possible to specify an absolute year an answer should be based on.
\{{M0 | year: 2015}}
...or a relative year...
\{{M1 | year: -1}} # one year previous
… or a range of years…
\{{M2 | year: 2011..2013}}\{{M3 | year: -2..0}} # from two years ago to present.
Processing Formulas
Formula processing happens in two phases:

Phase 1: interpret the variables
Phase 2: do the math

In Phase 2, the formula is processed as a subset of the Wolfram Language.  For that to be possible, In Phase 1, every nest – the things inside double curly brackets (\{{}}) – must be translated into something Wolfram Language understands. This means one of these things:

a number, eg 42
a string, eg "Yes"
a list, eg {1, 2, 3}

Simple metric nests (\{{M1}}) will return either a number or a string.  Metric nests with year ranges will return a list.
Simple arithmetic
Most simple mathematical operations use these four operators:
+ # plus- # minus* # multiplied by/ # divided by
For example:
5 + (\{{M1}} * \{{M2}}) / \{{M3}} - 0.45
Wolfram Functions
Beyond simple mathematical functions, most Wolfram functions take this form:
Function[argument1, argument2…]
So, for example, to add 3, 4, and 5 together, you might use this function
Total[3, 4, 5]   # each number is a separate argument, ORTotal[{3, 4, 5}] # one list argument
"Total" is a rather flexible function; you can call it with separate arguments or a single argument.  Some are more rigid.
WikiRate does not yet support all of Wolfram, but it supports the following functions:
