Question: Does the company publish a public list of its suppliers names and addresses?
Supplier List
Unverified - Added by Community
updated over 3 years ago by Natalja Neumeister

p. 29:

Vagabond has full ownership of a shoe and accessory factory in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam that manufactures approximately 10% of our sho-es and 100% of our accessories. The remaining production is sourced to a few of our carefully handpicked external suppliers.

p. 34:

By ow-ning our own production facility in Vietnam and working closely with our suppliers, we can work in a hands-on way with sustainability also in the production phase. We aim for a steady base of suppliers and strive to develop good and long-term cooperation. In total we currently have seven suppliers, including our own factory. Five of these are located in Vietnam, one in China and one in Cambodia. The average length of a shoe supplier relationship with Vagabond is 7 years. In addition, we have a number of sub-suppliers that our suppliers deal and communi-cate directly with.

(plus illustration: COUNTRY OF MANUFACTURING 2017)

Natalja Neumeister.....2020-12-18 14:27:28 UTC