Question: Does the company publish a public list of its suppliers names and addresses?
Supplier List
Unverified - Added by Community
updated over 3 years ago by Natalja Neumeister

page 9:

Proactive sourcing is essential for Vagabond. Our suppliers are carefully chosen and by the means of our own factory inspec- tions, we strive to ensure that they meet the high societal, ethi- cal and environmental standards that we require. We believe in building trust by consistency and engagement and we aim for continuous improvements by working closely with our suppliers.

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As our products are manufactured in countries where compli- ance to Human Rights and Working conditions can be weak, we pay high attention to these fields. All new 1st tier suppliers are screened using the labour practices and human rights criteria of our Code of Conduct. Before the approval of an eventual new supplier, our Code of Conduct must be reviewed and signed by the supplier and we conduct a first check of compliance on site. In August 2015 Vagabond dedicated a full-time position in our office in Vietnam to enable regular inspections of the suppliers ́ premises and to offer suppliers advisory support and training that could facilitate the integration of improvements.

page 12:

INFOGRAPHIC about "1st Tier suppliers ́ fulfilment of our Code of Conduct at the end of 2015."


Our own factory, Vagabond Vietnam is situated in Ho Chi Minh City.

Natalja Neumeister.....2021-01-12 23:03:10 UTC