Question: What is the average (mean) pay of female workers, expressed as a percentage of male workers' average pay?
Nike Inc.
Unverified - Added by Community
updated almost 3 years ago by Rajani

The company states a 1:1 pay ratio i.e men and women are paid equally. However, it does not disclose gender pay gap. Hence marked as unknown.

pg. 16ence considered.

"EQUAL PAY FOR EQUAL WORK We are committed to competitive pay and to reviewing our pay and promotion practices annually. At NIKE, we define pay equity as equal compensation for women, men and all races/ethnicities who undertake the same work at the same level, experience, and performance. In 2019, we released our results and have maintained a 1:1 pay ratio for men to women (globally) and white to URG (U.S.)."

Singh Anjali.....2021-06-25 13:03:56 UTC