Question: What is the average (mean) pay of female workers, expressed as a percentage of male workers' average pay?
ARM Holdings
Unverified - Added by Community
updated almost 2 years ago by Emma Hay

Within the ARM LIMITED

2020/21 Gender pay gap report, states that in this organisation, women earn 78p for every £1 that men earn when comparing median hourly pay. Their median hourly pay is 22.5% lower than men’s.

Emma Hay.....2022-02-23 12:26:45 UTC

however, when comparing mean (average) hourly pay, women’s mean hourly pay is 23.8% lower than men’s.

Emma Hay.....2022-02-23 12:27:41 UTC

However, the reports state 22.1% This increase compared to last

year is due to market forces driving up salaries in engineering

over this time. Arm’s Engineering function has a greater

proportion of males compared to other functions, so this has

had a disproportionate impact on the male population at Arm.

Emma Hay.....2022-04-29 12:05:43 UTC